CYFE – Crafting Youth Future Engagement

Strategic Partnerships (Key Action 2) , Grant agreement n° 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-YOU-000029289

01.11.2021 – 29.02.2024

PRIMARY TARGET GROUP: Young people, Craft people

SECONDARY TARGET GROUP: Young workers, Organizations active in the youth/social field; public administration institutions, General public


The CYFE project aims at changing the mindset of European citizens about the place and role of crafts professions and to highlight how, in the global market, crafts represent a reliable and sustainable option. Young people are the primary target group. The project aims at educating youngsters from 13 to 18 years old and to set the basis for a more responsible future generation. Youth workers will be the secondary target group, including any professional working with young people, such as teachers, career counsellors, and any adult in charge of education or orientation.

Young people are the primary target group. The project aims to inform youngsters from 13 to 18 years about craftsmanship and to set the basis for a more responsible future generation. Youth workers will be the secondary target group, including teachers, career counsellors, and any adult in charge of education or orientation. The project unfolds several actions.



introducing professionals in crafts from European countries and providing youth workers with the information they will share with youngsters about the crafts sector and its opportunities.


A smaller guide introducing craftspeople and professions to young people, enriched with games, a toolbox and sensory experiences.


A strong full-immersion experience to discover the atmosphere of a workshop, its tools and sounds.

A large percentage of craftsmen is aging and will be retired within 10 to 20 years.

Most of them do not have any succession plan and their skills may be lost, together with their precious experience in the profession. Craftsmanship professions are covering sectors such as interior design, fashion, cultural heritage preservation, traditional building, and tourism. All these areas are essential to European richness and diversity.

Furthermore, since youngsters agree there is a need to put more sustainability and responsible consumption in our lifestyle, the project’s goal is to demonstrate how craftsmanship can contribute to reach this objective.

The partners’ expertise in both the crafts sector and education will be supported by high level skills in digital technologies to co-produce tools which will highlight the main values represented by craftsmanship: strong knowhow and expertise, entrepreneurship, high quality, long-lasting production, low waste, local sourcing, self-accomplishment, creativity, innovation, and cultural heritage safeguard. They will also highlight the diversity of opportunities offered by the sector.


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